Diabetes has various other problems, as it reduces your immune system, weakens the joints and leads to pain. Diabetic foot pain is one of the effects of diabetes, and there are some special treatments you need to take care of your foot.
If you are facing diabetic foot pain, you must consult your doctor and take proper medications. However, there are certain physical and lifestyle changes that you have to adopt if you want to solve your foot pain problem. There are various medical centers like crossroads podiatry where you can visit and solve the diabetic foot pain issue.
7 Things to Do in Diabetic Foot Pain
Take care of both of your feet: If you are a diabetic person, there is a very high chance that you can get blisters or other infections in your feet. So, if you are one of those people, you need to check both your feet daily, especially between fingers and toes, because sometimes, we do not feel it, and infections can occur in that area. So, the first thing to remember is to check both your feet.
Wash your feet properly with warm water: You will Wash them with warm water to keep them clean from infections. Infections can wash away with warm water; therefore, washing your feet with warm water is important.
Wear comfortable shoes: In diabetes, there are sometimes conditions where your feet swell. Therefore, to save yourself from such a situation, you must wear comfortable shoes and sandals so that if there is swelling, you do not get tight shoes which can further reduce the blood flow.
Don’t keep barefoot: If you are a diabetic person, you should avoid keeping your feet bare. Always wear slippers, shoes or sandals. You can also associate them with thin socks because direct contact with plastic or leather can cause blisters.
Keep your foot soft and dry: In diabetes, your skin can dry because of high glucose levels. You can also get cracks on your foot if this glucose level is not adjusted. This cracked skin is more vulnerable to infections. Therefore, use some healing lotions to keep it soft. It would help if you did not dampen it with lotions because it will again invite infections.
Do some exercises: You should consult your doctor and take advice about which exercise you can do to have minimal effect on your feet. You can do walking, cycling or other exercises that will not put pressure on your feet and keep you healthy.
Consider fitted orthotics: If there is severe pain while walking or doing any physical task, you must consult your doctor for better advice and care. A podiatrist can help you with orthotics that will help ease the pain and help you walk properly.