Despite the myths that surround human papillomavirus (HPV), this condition can indeed wreak havoc on your overall health. HPV is a condition that is usually transmitted through sexual contact, and it doesn’t show any initial symptoms. Although HPV can cause severe health complications, Orlando HPV treatments can help manage and stabilize your condition in the long run.
Because it may be difficult to identify HPV symptoms, regular checkups, and testing and help detect the disease before causing severe consequences. If you’ve been wondering what this condition entails, here are five incredible facts about Human papillomavirus (HPV).
1. Eventually, everyone is at risk for HPV
Human papillomavirus is a common health issue that includes numerous types of viruses. Furthermore, over 80% of sexually active people will be infected with HPV at some point. This means anyone who’s ever had sex is exposed to the HPV virus. In some cases, HPV may subside independently; in others, it may persist and cause cellular changes in your body, resulting in cervical cancer or other health issues.
2. Certain types of HPV can cause genital warts and several cancers
If left untreated, HPV can cause significant health issues like genital warts and certain cancers. Some types of HPV cause scaly growths that continue to replicate in your sexual organs, especially if ignored. Also, HPV is responsible for causing throat, penis, and cervical cancer. However, your physician conducts pap smears to detect the presence of any abnormal or cancerous cells.
3. HPV affects both genders
Although HPV is mostly associated with cervical cancers in females, males can also be infected with HPV. This condition is not gender-biased and transmits through skin-to-skin contact, especially during sexual intercourse. Anyone aged 9-45 should consider routine HPV checkups and medical care to safeguard themselves from genital warts and cancer.
4. Women should get frequent screenings for HPV
Considering that HPV comes with no symptoms, regular screenings like pap smears can help detect HPV-related changes in women. This test looks for strains of the HPV virus and any cell abnormalities related to cancer. Suppose you get abnormal pap test results, your provider might recommend more tests, or you may need a biopsy. However, most HPV viruses resolve independently, especially if your body’s immune system is strong. Additionally, early detection of the HPV virus allows ease in treating and managing it.
5. HPV vaccines save lives
The good thing is that you can prevent HPV by getting vaccinated. Every sexually active person should get vaccinated to reduce their risk of contracting this debilitating virus. Also, vaccinating young children before they become sexually active provides the best protection against HPV. Although the vaccine doesn’t prevent all strains of HPV, it safeguards patients against HPV viruses that cause genital warts and cervical cancer.
Understanding the risks associated with HPV is an essential aspect of prevention. Regardless of the negative consequences of HPV, it is manageable, especially if detected early. Moreover, everyone requires regular testing and vaccination to protect them from severe conditions like genital warts and cancers. Even though HPV can impact your life quality, comprehending how to deal with it with a specialist in your closet will guarantee your wellness in the long run.